Saturday, July 9, 2022

Still Playing Following Instructor Nathan Brown

So far this is what I've done as I go through course material and play with the various new brushes and techniques covered. 

I'm going back to previous drawing/illustrations I've created and seeing what I can do to give them a little artistic uplift.  The course also covers rules I tend to avoid like the plague like composition (why I prefer illustrating and journaling) but it's good to face them now and then.............I suppose...ha ha.   I did need something different as I was feeling rather stuck.  This offers a new challenge that may keep me busy for awhile practicing and experimenting, which I should do more of.

Course I'm taking:

Introducing the Procreate Watercolor Masterclass by Nathan Brown through DesignCut.

Brush Pack also purchased:

Master Watercolor Brushes Ultimate Edition by Nathan Brown also through DesignCut.

There are videos on Youtube under both the instructor's name and DesignCut for additional information.

1 comment: said...

Susan, I love what you are doing with your sketches. The textures and colors are so lively and fun. I am enjoying seeing your class projects.