Monday, October 24, 2022

Son's Portrait

Now I have a complete set of portraits of my eldest son and his family.

This one was quite the challenge due to facial hair.   At one point I felt a bit overwhelmed tempting me to give up but I chose not to do that.  After various trial and error attempts, I finally found a way to depict the facial hair and hair stubble I was happy with.

Although I find myself missing pen / ink and watercolor, I am still drawn to working with digital.  There is so much yet to learn, which keeps me interested in using an "electronic sketchbook" versus traditional.  I love the challenges!  I love the fact I can experiment and play without wasting paper and without having to start from scratch each time.  Because I work in multiple layers, it makes it easier to do so.  I am able to keep notes and color swatches on hidden layers I can always refer back to and review a video as reference....all in one file.  And as a bonus, I can create step by steps much easier than trying to remember to scan along the way like I had to with traditional art work.  

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