Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Yesterday and Today's Sketching

My goal for August is to attempt something each day.  I'm on a kick sketching in black and white and then adding color either by using a layer using Multiply or a layer using the Color Blend Mode.  Both are transparent layers and merge with those layers beneath.

From what I experience and understand, the difference is the Color Blend mode only shows color over the underlying grays and black within the layers below it.  The Color Blend mode is also more saturated in color than the Multiply.  Resulting color shows up much brighter/stronger than if I used the Multiply mode and with that I often have to go in and change saturation, brightness, or even opacity for the results I want.

Multiply mode makes the color layer "blend" with the layers below but you have to take care where you lay the color down.  It will show even in areas surrounding the underlying layers regardless of color (black or color).

There is so much yet to learn and that is what is fascinating to me.  I have only touched the surface of what I can do even after all these years I've been using Procreate on my iPad.  A whole different set of techniques to play around with and continue to change with new upgrades.  And of course the biggest plus for me is one can play to their hearts content and just undo as many times as it takes to get the results without having to start over or ruin a paper or canvas piece of artwork.

So here is yesterday's and this morning's sketching.  It's not much but it's something.  The garlic is using Color Blend mode but the broccoli and cauliflower are using the Multiply layer mode.

Texture Paper Settings with Digital Sketching

I don't always feel like adding a paper backing.  When printing notecards or even ATCs , by leaving that off, it takes less ink.  Plus I can choose textured paper to print on anyways.  For web viewing, I prefer a nice white background.  Texture hardly shows with the size resolution files I save for the web so it's actually useless to even bother.

When I do use a paper background, I try to go as light as I can but still see some texture.

Here is a comparison and visual reminder to myself what setting I might prefer to use if I include a paper background.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Memory Keepsakes

This first takes me back in time when Mom was in the hospital over 10 years ago.  My Sis and I went to the hospital gift shop and I ended up with this, thanks to my Sis.  It reminds me of that time when mom fought and won the battle she was in the hospital for at that time. 

This little keepsake is a plastic vase filled with something that looks like water (probably a clear epoxy or glue) that holds these artificial pansies in place.

And this toy I sketched as a memory of the video I just watched with my great-niece's reaction to her new toy.  Not just her reaction but my nephew's dog, Lilly.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Flower Drawings

After a bit of a break or what I refer to as a recharge period, I  worked these flower sketches.  I've been in the mood to work my drawings in black and white and then go back adding color.

This first one was originally sketched in my Alpha sketchbook using a mechanical pencil.  From there I uploaded to my iPad and ended up with the following by using the pencil sketch and blending out using the Gouache brush tool.

Using the same flower arrangement, I then worked this next drawing adding a little artificial bird I have perched on one of the branches.  

We've been seeing more bees IN the house here lately.  Both mud daubers and these little wasps.  In fact in the kitchen you can hear buzzing from the back wall.  Terry believes they must have a nest just under the edge of the roof (I believe what's called a soffit but not sure on that).

I decided to work some sketches I could use to add to other drawings.

And most recent is another of our Hibiscus that is in the back yard.  

Playing with backgrounds.  Not sure which I like better....the green or the blue.