Friday, October 8, 2021

Capturing the Moment

Lani and I were outside for a little while and as we were about to go back inside to the Sunroom, a dark shadow caught my eye.  I looked to see it was a Brown Anole sitting on our air handler's condensation drain pipe that extends down from the attic outside the house.

I don't know if this guy was just relaxing there or if he was headed to the drip of water at the end of the pipe.

This year we have seen green and brown (mainly brown) anoles at every turn.  They are everywhere on foliage, on the house, and even scampering across the lawn.  We've never seen this concentration of anoles in the seven years we've been here until now and wondering if it was due to the warmer winter we had this past year.

We've also taken notice of the larger number of geckos this year as well.

Handsewn journal with Fabriano Cold Press paper / TWSBI 580AL w/#41 Brown ink.

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