Saturday, August 4, 2012

Beached Boat

Once in awhile I get lucky coming up with catchy titles; but, that doesn't happen often, I'm afraid. And this is definitely not one of those times either!


I started this out not knowing what I was going to do.  I first wet the entire paper and put in the sky and the land masses.

Sitting there looking at it I wasn't sure where to go next so I actually did something I don't normally do.  I did a few thumbnail sketches of possible ideas to finish it off.

Here's the progression and results........

Fabriano Artistico 140lb Cold

W&N:  Fr Ultram, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna
DS:  Sap Green

1" Flat for putting in sky; 1/2" Flat for land masses; Wizard brush (bristle) for foreground, and #8 Round

Also used a 3/8" Angular Flat for lifting the moon shape while the sky was damp plus the moon reflection.



Sandy Sandy Art said...

I like your sketches. Why not do them all? :)

Susan Bronsak said...

Why not do them all? Hmmmmm..... :-)

Thank you Sandy!!!