A few days ago I sketched a fossil called a Trilobite from the game Animal Crossing New Horizons. I shared with two of my three sons..........with my youngest who also plays the game.
Last night my youngest texts me saying he had a challenge for me.....sketching my house in the game. When you start out, you reside in a tent until you go so far in the game and then have a one room house built. As you work for and earn money, you add on rooms...one room at a time. A complete house will have four rooms on the main level, a large upstairs, and a basement. Later in the game, you can customize the outside of the house having several styles to choose from.
Accepting his challenge, I decided to sketch both the tent I started out in and how my house looks now with 1,825 hours of game play. One might think I like this game......ha ha. Truth be known, I now have two accounts and playing two games at the same time....one in the Southern Hemisphere and my original in the Northern Hemisphere. This way I can play different seasons catching season specific critters I would otherwise have to wait forever to get to finish my museum. My second game only has 395 hours of game play but I haven't had it as long as the original one I started.
Today, my son gives me yet another challenge...sketching my character in the original game, which I agreed I would do.
My son said he was going to share with co-workers who also play the game and when I asked him today if he had had a chance to share this with them, he said "they loved it...along with 7000 other people." My response was "WHAT? What do you mean along with 7000 other people?"
I have learned he and my middle son are sharing my artwork on Reddit. Reddit is broken down in subcategories and one is Animal Crossing. My son posted it and within six hours had over 7000 upvotes (whatever that means) along with many comments. A couple hours later it was over 10,000 upvotes. One comment was a viewer asking if I'd sketch my character in the game and why my youngest son gave me this next challenge.
So this is what I worked on today. In the game (depending on months in the year) you either are confronted with a scorpion or a tarantula during evening hours. Most often they nab me but I've managed to catch enough scorpions to have a model made in the game, which I have set outside the house. I set myself up with the model to sketch this little scene.
Both are worked in the Stillman and Birn Alpha journal using Staedtler Mars Lumograph pencils 2B and 4B. I'm having a blast working in graphite!!!!