Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Rose

This is one flower that totally intimidates me when it comes to sketching so I decided to take it on while I was in the mood for a challenge.  Even after four sketches, I can't honestly say it helps with how I feel when approaching this type of flower.  Wild or Dog roses don't affect me in the same way as the other type roses.  It's that "ball" of wrapped petals that tend to make me feel a bit overwhelmed when trying to draw them.

I tend to do OK with rose buds and those partially opened, as well as wild or Dog roses (Examples 1, 3, and 4).  Number 2 was the most difficult for me.  Number 4 was the easiest as I feel more at ease when working in graphite.  Number 3, I made myself work the line drawing with pen only (no pencil) and it wasn't too difficult as it is fairly easy with only a few petals (Dog Rose).

Pens used:  Pilot Metropolitans with Dark Red and Dark Green Document Inks (F nib), and Pilot Prera with Noodler's #41 Brown (XF nib).

Graphite is using Wolf's Carbon pencil #2B

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