FIbook75x75 (Stonehenge Aqua) / Lamy with Document Brown ink / DS Hooker Green with Lunar Red and Lunar Black (for the granulating effect) and QoR Pyrrole Red Lt, Dioxazine Purple and Ultramarine.
The paragraph to the right of the hummer is a personal reminder when I start comparing what I do with other people I highly admire when it comes to their journal pages. I will catch myself wishing my pages looked more like so and so (especially with design and layout). I may feel like putting more effort into designing the page but it's not something I would do on a day to day basis as that's just not my style.
Note to myself: The eye should probably be a little larger.
You have had success attracting hummingbirds!?!? I have not. We had one a couple of months ago, but since he did not return, I assumed he was migrating and used us for a stopover.
We didn't have any luck until we moved the feeder to the front of the house last winter. Nothing like we had up north with hundreds coming around but we do have a few regulars. There are a few months through the summer we don't see them but then they return. One in particular I can always count on has the bent damaged beak. The feeder is right outside the window where I sit so I see him up close.
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