Thursday, March 25, 2021

Hubbie's Grandson, Zander

Wednesday I started a course through Sktchy called, "Portraits in Procreate," with Lisa Filion.  It's a 25 hour course that includes extensive instruction using Procreate along with portrait drawing and painting lessons that include animals.

After going through Lessons 1-4 and working the portrait exercise from provided reference photo, I decided to try one of a family member using some of the methods learned in these lessons but with my own way of doing things with laying down color.  Lisa works with heavy application of color creating opaque layers whereas I work with transparent layers.  Plus I really like monochrome as in graphite drawings versus "painting" with color.

While I was working this, I would not allow my husband to view what I was doing.  I wanted it to be a surprise and surprise it was!  When finished, he was in his room and I sent the results via text.  His reaction was priceless.  He was so excited that he immediately forwarded the picture to his son and daughter-in-law.

For a change I feel really proud of the results and I can't say that for everything I produce.  The likeness is spot on.

This is worked with BeeJayDel's Pencil 4B brush tool and instead of using the smudge tool for blending, I used the eraser to blend and soften edges.  The background is using the Painting / Turpentine brush tool (part of Procreate's brush library) as a "stamping" tool.  


Lin said...


Susan Bronsak said...

Thank you so much, Lin!!!