Thursday, March 11, 2021

Monthly Theme - March 2021

For March, the number chosen ended up being, "what's in your bathroom."  What is in mine can be anything from your standard bathroom items to bookshelf, free standing wood cabinet, books, stuffed animals, plants, and even my pet bird.  Plenty of variety to sketch.

To start out with, I decided to sketch a few standard items and chose to work in pencil.  This also takes care of my "one graphite" sketch for the month.  Worked in the Stillman and Birn Alpha sketchbook using a Graphgear 1000 / .7 mechanical pencil.

This next represents where I moved plants from the sunroom to the bathroom when we thought my oldest son and his family were going to move to Florida and stay with us for awhile.  After family deciding not to move, I decided to leave the plants in the bathroom.  

There is a very large window over a garden tub I never use that has a ledge around it.  The sunlight is from the south and not as harsh as it is in the sunroom due to the thick hazy glass (can't think of the proper word for the type glass).  I find the plants are liking it better in the bathroom.  I lost almost all of my Lucky Bamboo plants but after cutting way back and placing in the bathroom, they are showing hope for revival.  My other plants appear to be happier to include the succulents I grow.

Sketchbook with old stock of Fabriano Artistico paper / TWSBI 580ALR with Lexington Grey ink / Daniel Smith watercolors.

Takes care of my pen and ink plus watercolor for the month of March.

This next is my digital for the month of one of several Beanie Baby Bears I have on hand.  The shelving unit (Secretary) is in the bathroom which holds bears, DVD cases, and books.

Procreate using BeeJayDel's pencil brush tools 2B, 4B, and 6B

Good thing my bathroom is large.  Another subject in my bathroom is Mango who's cage is quite large on a wrought iron rolling base.  I have it sitting near the Garden tub I never use with plants lined up all around the ledge of the tub.

Mango seems much happier although it took a few days for him to adjust to being moved.  Eventually, I'll return him to the sunroom but as long as I have wood burning projects going on, it's best I leave him where he is.

Procreate using Painting / Waterbrush brush tool and BJD's Standard Inker

Although I have a lot more I could sketch from my bathroom, this more than fulfills my monthly theme goal.  I may do more during March that fits the theme but for now I can relax knowing all my goals have been met.

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