Saturday, March 13, 2021

Young White Ibis

We had a flock of White Ibis visit our yard to check out what food source we might have that enticed them to our yard.  Those that attract my attention most are the youngsters because they have the brown.  

Worked in Procreate as mentioned in the illustration below showing basic steps I took to produce this.

This little video clip gives an idea of my work progress such as brush tool strokes used.  End was trimmed with all the back and forth fine-tuning with values and other smaller details seen in final results to save on time viewing and size file upload.  The fine-tuning for me is the most time consuming and I often close out the app and return with fresh eyes at least once if not a few times before calling it done. 

2 comments: said...

I love this sketch! And it was fun to watch your process video. Weather in the low 80's? Wow. We are just beginning to see signs of spring! Thank you for sharing your sketches.

Susan Bronsak said...

Thank you Fay!! And yes in the 80s and our air conditioning kicking in. I'm not ready for summer weather yet!!

One thing I love about working on the Ipad using Procreate is the ability to record my process. I can refer back to remember how I did things plus share with others like I did with this post. Can't do that all the time or it will eat up my free google space rather quickly.